How to Adapt and THRIVE with Virtual Business Training!
Training April 10th 9 AM – NOON MST.
The verdict is out!
Amidst the economic crisis of COVID we’ve heard some of the greatest challenges you are struggling with:
Being considered 'non-essential' to offer services and forced to close,
Feeling overwhelmed going all Virtual for the first time,
Closing clients over the phone instead of in person!
We don’t want to see your business disintegrate!
We want our Go Wellness family and entrepreneurs to make more progress in the next 3 months than in the next 5 years!
While Virtual Marketing can be simple, one of the hardest parts is getting your leads to convert over the phone. Don’t worry- we’ll teach you how!
Want some simple tips to get started right away?
Then please join us for our next webinar 4/10 9am – Noon MST, Virtual Business Success Blueprint where we’ll show you…
How to convert 80% of people you speak to into care plans without ever meeting them!
How to create and run your own Virtual Platform, enrolling patients into programs over the phone
How to keep your business not just surviving but thriving!
We’re so confident in this business structure that if we don’t fill up 5 appointments on your calendar, you won’t pay the GW facilitation fee. We want you to succeed!
The truth is you can’t do business the way you have been – we all must adapt. We’ll help you take the training wheels off so you’re ready to fly solo and make money Virtually! Now’s the time to help people heal with your brain power.
Join us Friday, April 10th 9 AM – Noon MST by clicking HERE register and we’ll see you there!
You’ll then receive the opportunity to enroll in our NEW Virtual Communications Masterclass:
NEW Virtual Communications Master Class Includes:
Step-by-step Training and Mentorship For Your Team
You can implement a Virtual Business Platform quickly and effectively!
Exclusive Webinar Checklists Made For You
You need to be able to know exactly how toperform your virtual webinars confidently and successfully without starting from scratch!
1 Webinar Facilitated By Our Go Wellness Staff
1 Webinar facilitated by our Go Wellness staff with your team fully engaged, ready to book your consults, so you see the process in action!