Presentation Delivery for Live or Virtual Audiences
Have you’ve ever gone to a senior citizen community and deliver a pain seminar? Whether you have or have not, we present tips, tricks, and the tools you’ll need to successfully present your pain programs and philosophies to any type of patient.
In this episode, you will gain clarity on how to successfully present a pain workshop and how to utilize the tools you already have within your practice. Click the play button below to watch and learn more about our podcast episodes at Go Wellness Podcast.
Key Takeaways:
[3:50] There are so many ways to get the word out about pain relief and management
[4:30] Increase buzz with a patient referral program
[5:00] Get involved with internal and external marketing systems
[5:50] Make sure your audience is in the right place with prompting questions. For example: Who here has back/neck/knee/shoulder pain?
[6:00] Speak in a language your audience understands and connects with.
[7:50] Establish your credibility to build trust with your audience
[11:05] Get a more qualified person to take the next step
[13:20] Talk directly to their objections to overcome skeptics