Making An Impact In Healthcare
The Go Wellness community is a purpose-driven group, and our Innovation Expander tool will assist you in making a difference in peoples’ lives! With the end of the year approaching, we need to begin our thought processes on how to improve our clinics. The Innovation Expander assists in this process, working as a template for turning an idea into results.
Click the play button below to watch and learn more about our podcast episodes at Go Wellness Podcast.
Key Takeaways:
[2:51] Thinking of new innovations and ideas to implement for your clinic
[3:32] The Innovation Expander is a model for developing big ideas
[5:13] Have a purpose and execute it to be successful
[6:03] The experiment phase is in 3 parts: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days
[8:54] The time is now to be brainstorming big ideas to implement in 2022
[9:00] Use the expander tool as a template to think through ideas
[9:20] The 10–15 minutes you spend now brainstorming will save you a bunch of time in the future (if you do it right)
[14:58] Optimize your thought process for the direction of your clinic
Mentioned in This Episode:
Call the Team: 801-829-9227
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Upcoming Event: The Tao of the Healthcare Entrepreneur (Session 4)