What are some of the REAL side effects of breast implants?
This week’s episode covers breast implants and how they might be compromising your immune system. When Tiffany received her implants, the doctor told her that there were only two side effects to consider. After a serious injury, Tiffany went through a wide range of symptoms, and some of those included depression and suicidal thoughts. Although Tiffany was seeing a therapist at the time, she knew there was something more to this.
When Tiffany found the resource, Healing Breast Implant Illness, she discovered many other women suffering from the same symptoms she was. Did you know implants can get mold on them, that neither an MRI nor an Ultrasound can pick up on? Tiffany took her implants out, and she saw drastic changes. Listen in, to find out more about her story!
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Key Takeaways:
[2:30] Who is Tiffany?
[4:45] Tiffany honestly thought she was going crazy, and her suicidal thoughts were getting worse.
[7:35] When Tiffany shared her story on social media, friends came forward and asked if maybe Tiffany’s breast implants had something to do with her being constantly sick.
[12:35] When Tiffany got her implants, the doctors only told her that there were two risks.
[16:05] Tiffany’s surgeon took out the breast implants and the extra scar tissue associated with it and Tiffany had the scar tissue tested for toxins.
[16:55] Unfortunately, some women will get black mold on their implants or ruptures and the MRI or ultrasound is not able to find them.
[18:30] Your immune system just doesn’t like foreign objects in your body.
[20:40] So many of Tiffany’s symptoms disappeared when she took out her implants.
Key Links:
Email Regan: regan@gowellness.com
Email the Team: info@gowellness.com
Healing Breast Implant Illness
Healing Breast Implant Illness on Facebook
Email Tiffany: TiffanyDansie@gmail.com